Have You Used One of These Ovulation Test Kits with Unreliable Results?
Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test Kit
CVS Health One Step Ovulation Test
Equate Early Ovulation Test Kit
Get Justice and Compensation
Time Limited – Act Now
Evidence is mounting that Ovulation Test Kits are NOT always accurate. Countless consumers rely on these kits to help them make important family planning decisions and are being misled by these inaccurate products. See if you have a claim, at no cost.
There is only a brief window of time during a woman’s cycle when she can conceive—this optimal timeframe consists of the days leading up to and including ovulation. These Ovulation Test Kits claim that they can pinpoint when a woman will ovulate and when the most fertile part of her cycle will occur, so that she can maximize her chances of conceiving.
These Ovulation Test Kits are labeled as over 99% accurate, which is why so many women and their loved ones believe that they can rely on the results of these tests to help them become pregnant. But these Ovulation Test Kits are misleading because they do not detect ovulation, and cannot predict when ovulation will occur, with 99% accuracy. Instead, these Ovulation Test Kits can only detect when a person has a surge in their levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), which does not always occur in connection with ovulation.
Women and men both have variable levels of LH. Women experience a surge of LH levels just prior to ovulation. Women also experience LH surges during non-fertile parts of their cycle, because a variety of factors, including underlying health conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, can cause elevated LH levels.
These Ovulation Test Kits can accurately tell a woman or a man if they have elevated LH levels. But these Ovulation Test Kits cannot with 99% accuracy tell a woman when her fertile period will be.
These deceptive products greatly influence consumers’ family planning decisions. Due to the false promises of these Ovulation Test Kits, so many women and their loved ones have missed and will continue to miss important opportunities in trying to conceive and plan for the future. By banding together in a class action lawsuit, consumers can get the justice and compensation that they deserve.
If you have been misled by inaccurate Ovulation Testing Kits, you may have a qualifying claim and could be eligible to receive compensation. If you are interested in receiving more information or seeing if you have a qualifying claim, enter your information below. Any information that you provide will be completely confidential and an evaluation of your potential claim will be free of cost.
Even Judges Agree – Glancy Prongay & Murray Gets Results
“The court finds that the Settlement Fund… created by Class Counsel is an exceptional result… The Court finds that Class Counsel skillfully prosecuted this action”
– Hon. Dickran M. Tevrizian (Ret.), U.S. District Court Judge, Central District of California
“Counsel has conducted the litigation and achieved the Settlement in good faith and with skill, perseverance and diligent advocacy”
– Hon. Donovan W. Frank, U.S. District Judge, District of Minnesota
“[C]lass counsel have provided extremely high-quality representation.”
– Hon. William H. Pauley III, District Judge for the Southern District of New York
If You’ve Been Misled, You Deserve Justice.
You have a right to expect accurate information from medical products. Your family planning decisions are much more important than some company trying to squeeze out extra profits. Take 30 seconds now to see if you qualify while the opportunity is still open.
Contact Us for a Free Evaluation – Confidential, No Cost to You.
We are a law firm handling a case against those involved in unreliable ovulation test kits on contingency. That means our clients don’t pay us anything out-of-pocket. We only get paid if we get money from the Defendants, i.e., no fee without recovery. In addition to not paying any fees out-of-pocket, our clients in this case are also not responsible for the costs of litigation. We pay those ourselves, and are only reimbursed if there is a recovery from the Defendants.
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